Name(Required) First Last Shop name(Required) Wholesale customer (box) number(Required) Delivery ExperienceHow are the majority of your deliveries completed?On footBicycleMotorcycleCar/VanOther (Please specify)How are the majority of your deliveries completed? (Other) Do you complete any of your home news deliveries via any unusual mode of transportation? e.g. boat/horse etcThe UK’s Oldest and longest serving delivererHow old is your oldest delivery employee?30-4546–6060–7576-8586+How many years has your longest serving newspaper deliverer been delivering newspapers?0–5 years5–10 years10-15 years16-25 years26+ yearsWhen and where has one of your newspaper delivery staff gone above and beyond whilst working for you – what did they do? e.g. How and what did they do?SceneryEarly morning deliveries can be the most peaceful time of the day, with some of the beautiful and scenic views experienced. What is the best view seen on one of your delivery rounds? (Upload a photo)Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 wildlife, fauna, architectural.Delivering the newsAlong side homes and hotels, request for a daily newspaper delivery can come from some quite unique locations. Where is the strangest place you currently deliver to / have been asked to deliver to?Farms or rural areasBoats or marinasConstruction sitesPlaces of worshipSchools or universitiesOther (Please specify)Where is the strangest place you currently deliver to / have been asked to deliver to? (Other) e.g. boatUpload a photoAccepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.HND is effectively the final mile in a newspaper journey from print to reader. How long in miles from start to finish is your longest delivery round (Driving)?Less than 1 mile1–5 miles5–10 miles10–20 milesOver 20 milesProvide more details HND FeedbackWhat do you enjoy most about Home News Delivery (HND)?Meeting new peopleBeing outside and activeFlexible work hoursSatisfaction from providing a serviceSense of communityOther (Please specify)What do you enjoy most about Home News Delivery (HND)? (Other) How did you start your newspaper delivery service?Family-run businessPurchased an existing routeStarted a new route independentlyExpanded from another business (e.g., newsagent or convenience store)Other (Please specify)How did you start your newspaper delivery service? (Other) Which month(s) do you usually gain the most HND customers? January February March April May June July August September October November December Promotion and MarketingHow do you promote your HND service?Word of mouthSocial mediaFlyers or leafletsNewspaper advertisementsLocal events or sponsorshipsOnline advertisementsWebsiteOther (Please specify)How do you promote your HND service? (Other) Who deserves to be recognised as the HND Month Deliverer of the Year and why? Δ