What is home news delivery month?
A dedicated industry focus to celebrate and promote home newspaper delivery (HND) with newspaper publishers, wholesalers and trade bodies working in collaboration across the month.
HND is a vital service enjoyed and depended upon by thousands of readers nationwide, reliant on fantastic delivery partners to ensure that they receive their newspapers on a daily basis.
October, as the clocks change and the nights get darker, has long been recognised as the start of the HND season. We want to make this October one to remember and kick off the HND season in style!

Why are we doing this?
As an industry we believe it is important to celebrate this and shine a light on HND and the committed retailers that provide this outstanding service.
HND is the backbone for newspaper sales and is a service relied upon by thousands of our readers up and down the country.
We will be promoting HND and subscriptions collectively throughout the month of October, with in-paper advertising as well as in store Point of Sale and increased social media presence.
We all seek to increase customers and collectively through offers and marketing we can reach and generate valuable additional sales.