Bigger and Better in 2024!
October 2023 was when the newstrade worked together and launched the first Home News Delivery month and it was a fantastic success. However, using the feedback provided on what worked and what could be improved this year, we can do better. By shouting louder! By raising awareness to our customers! By achieving a higher number of home delivery & subscription sign-ups!
For 2024, national and local newspapers have committed to running features and advertisements throughout the whole month encouraging their readers to support their local newsagents. Many publishers will be offering high discounts on subscriptions too so your customers will get great value as well as staying warm!
Once registered, you will be kept updated with more details on the build-up to Home News Delivery month via email, wholesale, the FED and trade press. We will send PoS packs (see below) in August alongside HND month flyers, containing all the newspaper offers, to help you spread awareness in your area.
We encourage all HND retailers and providers to participate, promote and support this campaign to get the most benefit for their business. Send in photos, staff and customer feedback, videos and they will showcased on the website and across social media platforms – publishers and wholesalers will be doing the same throughout October – together we’ll get everyone talking about Home News Delivery month!
What do I need to do?
To be a part of HND month, simply register by filling in your details and ordering the necessary Point of Sale (POS) and promotional leaflets for your business, noting that multiple packs of each can be ordered if required. Registration is now CLOSED.
POS pack
The pack displayed is last year’s impactful POS.
We are in the process of updating the artwork and will share it with you as soon as it is ready! Last years pack included;
- 2 x A2 posters
- 2 x A3 posters
- 4 x shelf barkers (inc self-adhesive strips)
- 2 x till wobblers
- 2 x branded pens
- 2 x branded note books

Promotional Leaflets
The leaflet stack displayed is last year’s version.
We are currently working on this year’s version, taking into consideration the feedback received via the survey. The leaflets will be smaller and easier to use for customers.
They will still contain fantastic offers for your customers to be able to purchase their favourite newspapers, but in addition information on HND and why they should consider switching to it.

The leaflets will contain space for you to include your shop details, so customers know where to place their order. The easiest way to complete these is by using a personalised stamp to include your shop name and details. If you do not already have one of these, you can click here to order a personalised stamp from amazon to assist you in this process (we suggest you do this now so that you are fully prepared for when your promotional leaflets arrive).
POS packs and promotional leaflets will be delivered to all registered stores by your supplying wholesaler. These will arrive in advance of HND Month 2024. (More details to follow).