Williams of Audlem count on Shop Dog Daisy

Shop Dog Daisy has been a loyal member of staff at Williams of Audlem, for the past four years – she is a rescue “Potcake” dog from the Caribbean. A ‘potcake’ is a term that refers to a dish made up of various leftovers, that are then stirred up together! Daisy’s whole rescue story is a shaggy dog story in itself – taking almost two and a half years, from the time we first met her, holidaying on the island of St. Vincent, to her joining our family business. Her rescue journey has involved multiple volunteers, the rock star Bryan Adams (yes seriously !) the V.S.P.C.A. (local equivalent of our RSPCA),  spending Lockdown on the island of Mustique, a last-minute dock-side escape, a televised public appeal on Vincentian TV with a $1000 offered reward, a speed boat, and onward travel via Martinique & Paris !! Yes, she really has had quite some story to even get here!

Besides being on the shop’s security payroll, Daisy contributes to the marketing and communications operations on a regular basis. In addition, she is also first to volunteer her services, when our newspaper delivery staff cannot turn in (although she does have to be accompanied, due to being vertically challenged, lacking in dexterity with letterboxes, and there being trust issues with cats, and some village dogs not in her friendship group).

Daisy has certainly leapt into promoting the latest HND month, by purchasing colour coordinating, new “walkies” attire for the event.

So far she has achieved 5 new subscriptions, 4 of which are new deliveries – and we are only halfway through October.

However, there will be no paws in activity, as she will follow up on the many new leads that have been generated, with her usual dogged determination!

Keep up the good work and hopefully many orders will be coming your way!

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