Vince Malone, HND Month insight

We’ve entered October and it’s Home News Delivery month, a celebration of the world of newspapers and magazines! You might think it’s a fading echo of a bygone era, much like Del Boy’s infamous “this time next year, we’ll be millionaires” mantra. Sure, we’ve heard the predictions of their doom time and again—after all, we’re living in an age where every morsel of information is just a click away. But hold the front page! Just because we’ve entered the digital age doesn’t mean print is dead, and I, as an independent convenience retailer, am here to illustrate why the newspaper and magazine category remains a gem in my store.

Let’s face it: readership numbers are indeed on a downward spiral. The temptations of smartphones and social media have stolen some of that cozy reading time. So why on earth do we pour so much effort into our newspaper and magazine range? The sheer management of it can be a juggle worthy of a circus act—distribution sometimes arrives in fits and starts, costs keep inching up while margins seem to dwindle. It may sound as appealing as a damp squib, but I assure you, there’s a silver lining here.

Every day, through our home news delivery service, we connect with over 150 customers, and guess what? A cheerful 13% of them toss home shopping into the mix! That little nugget of convenience is proof that the printed word still holds a strong allure. In a sea of diminishing outlets and sometimes shoddy management practices in the industry, if you manage to get it right, customers will indeed come knocking at your door.

And here’s a cheeky tip for you: why not toss a magazine into the delivery as a delightful surprise? It’s like adding a cherry on top of an already fantastic sundae! We’re not just about paper; we’re about creating those little moments of joy for our customers.

In fact, we’re revamping our offerings, and it’s paying off—our newspaper and magazine sales are up 10% this year. Will this trend hold? That’s the million-dollar question, much like Del Boy himself! But as long as there’s a market crying out for tangible reading materials, you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be here serving it.

So, how’s that for a headline? The newspapers and magazines category may face challenges, but as an independent retailer, I’m raising my cup of coffee to the printed page and the loyal readers who still crave it. Let’s keep the pages turning and maybe get your papers delivered!


Vince Malone operates Tenby Stores in Tenby.

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